Rehoming Assistance
Sometimes situations arise that forces you to make the difficult decision to rehome a beloved dog or cat. If you find yourself in this situation, Bumblebeast would like to help you rehome your companion animal rather than leaving you no other option but to surrender it to the overcrowded shelter. For community members throughout the San Francisco Bay Area, Bumblebeast offers a Re-Homing Assistance Program. If you’re unable to keep your dog or cat long-term but can keep them during the time it takes to find a new home, Bumblebeast may be able to assist you in rehoming your pet.
How We Help
- Bumblebeast will post a picture and history of your animal on our website to help find a perfect adoptor that will match your dog or cat.
- Adoption applications are accepted for your animal and forwarded to you to contact the applicant.
- You can screen potential adopters with criteria provided to you, set up adoption meetings, and determine who adopts your animal.
- You can keep the adoption fee or donate it so we may help other animals in need.

How to Qualify
To qualify for the Re-Homing Assistance Program, your animal must meet the following requirements:
- As California State Law requires, your animal must be spayed or neutered for us to assist in the adoption referral.
- Your animal must be current on vaccines. Vaccines include Rabies and DHLPP (or DHPP) for dogs and Rabies and FVRCP for cats. A recent FeLV/FIV test is required for all cats allowed outdoors,
- If your animal has engaged in any physically threatening behavior (defined in Section 416-12.402 or 416-12.404 of the County Animal Control Ordinance), s/he will not be eligible for our program.
- You must be able to continue to house your animal while being advertised – preferably a minimum of three months.
- The fee for this advertising service is $50.00.
- The fee to enroll your animal in the Re-Homing Assistance Program covers 90 days or until the animal is adopted or placed in another home, whichever is first. After 90 days, or should the adoption not work out and you choose to re-list your animal through the Re-Homing Assistance Program, an additional listing fee will apply.
- The rehoming assistance program is a referral service only, and Bumblebeast Dog Rescue acts only as a third-party resource for those looking to rehome their animals.
- The animals’ guardian provides descriptions of the animals available through Bumblebeast Dog Rescue Re-Homing Assistance Program. A Bumblebeast staff member has not personally evaluated rehoming Assistance Program animals.

Changing human companions can be very stressful for animals. Therefore, our first inclination is to ask you to look at the situation differently:
- Is there any adjustment you may be able to make to allow you to keep the animal?
- Have you spoken to or worked with a behaviorist or trainer?
- Have you looked into the housing that will enable animals if you move?
- Have you contacted any breed-specific rescue groups?
- Have you asked friends, family, neighbors, or trusted co-workers to adopt your animal?
To begin the rehoming process, please email bumblebeastdogrescue@gmail.com.